
Media Policies

Notre Dame encourages discussion, research and freedom of expression. The Office of Media Relations operates on the principle that restrictions on news media personnel should be limited. But respect for the privacy of our students, faculty, staff and visitors, and occasional mitigating circumstances, require that we set some rules regarding access. Among them are:

  • At the University’s discretion, journalists may report from the campus on news of public interest. They are expected to obey Notre Dame parking and other regulations and to conduct themselves in accord with the code of ethics of the .
  • Journalists must gain permission prior to coming onto the Notre Dame campus. Contact Erin Blasko, associate director of media relations, at eblasko@nd.edu or 574-631-2417, or another member of the Media Relations staff.
  • The use of still or video images from the campus for advocacy of political positions or candidacies is prohibited.
  • Access to all residence halls is prohibited without prior permission of Media Relations or the hall rector.
  • Entry to classrooms, offices and places of worship by journalists must be cleared in advance either with occupants of the respective offices, the professor in charge of a class, or Media Relations.

*The following activities are restricted and require permission.  for the following:

  • Use of cameras in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the Grotto or other religious sites.
  • Parking arrangements for University news conferences and other events on campus.
  • In times of emergency, all of the above regulations and policies may be suspended or altered.

Use of Notre Dame trademarks and symbols

The University of Notre Dame name, seal and other marks and logos may not be used without the written permission of the University. Written permission also is required for the use of University logo clothing and other items, such as pennants, for use as costumes and set dressing.

Still photography and video guidelines

The University’s Office of Public Affairs and Communications (OPAC) coordinates requests from outside production firms, photographers, filmmakers, videographers and others who seek to use University property in various projects. These guidelines do not apply to mainstream news media organizations engaged in covering University events, activities and personalities.

To request permission, contact Sue Ryan, executive director, at 574-631-7916.  A request may be denied if it is not considered compatible with Notre Dame’s mission, if it reflects negatively on the University, if it creates an undue burden on the campus community or for other reasons. A script for video projects and a storyboard or mock-up for still photo shoots detailing how Notre Dame will be portrayed must be submitted.

General rules for still and video photography

Anyone who seeks to film on campus for commercial or other non-news purposes must submit in writing detailed information about the proposed project at least one month in advance, including:

  • Locations requested
  • Date and time of shooting
  • Length of shooting
  • Number of people involved in each day’s shooting
  • Type of activity to be filmed, taped or photographed
  • List of equipment and vehicles used in connection with the project
  • Sizes and composition of structures that will be used in the shoot

Photography and filming/taping will be allowed only when it is least likely to disrupt the academic process and student life.

All movie scripts must be reviewed and approved by OPAC.

The University of Notre Dame may not be mentioned or credited without permission.

Unless specifically authorized, no identifiable Notre Dame landmarks can appear in videos or still photos. These include: The Main Building and Golden Dome, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes, Hesburgh Library and its “Word of Life” mosaic (“Touchdown Jesus”), Joyce Center, Notre Dame Stadium, Clarke Memorial Fountain, any signage that refers to the University of Notre Dame or the Fighting Irish, and any other images that are identifiable with Notre Dame.

Anyone who requests to record video or to photograph on the Notre Dame campus is required to work with OPAC and the  to negotiate fees and specific terms of the agreement.

A certificate of insurance is required, naming the University of Notre Dame, its officers, employees and agents as additional insured, providing comprehensive general liability insurance, including personal injury and property damage.

Location fees for video and still photography

All location fees are due on the day of the shoot. Additional expenses (such as for Notre Dame Security Police or facilities services) will be the responsibility of the requesting agency or production company.

Basic fees are:

  • Still commercial or non-news photography — $1,000 per day (8 hours)
  • Commercial or non-news videography — $2,000 per day (10 hours)
  • Motion picture/television show and other projects — Fee and time considerations to be determined based upon the size and scope of the project.

Student/faculty/staff policy for video and still photography

Students, faculty and staff may, without permission, shoot video and still photos on campus for academic purposes. The resulting videos and photographs may not be used or distributed for commercial, marketing or promotional purposes. Student, faculty and staff who record video or shoot photos should respect the privacy of others and gain permission to record or shoot. They also should abide by University policies and avoid disrupting normal campus operations.